
How many famous female guitar players can you name? How many well-known all-female bands?

We think of women mostly as singers or “entertainers” and men as the musicians. You can’t be it if you can’t see it – so MEOW is devoted to supporting women who want to play and write music either as a hobby or a career.

This site is many things: a MEOWgazine with up-to-the-minute news that effect women in music. It’s a place to network and build community. Most of all, we will be THE destination for information about women in music.


SUPPORT — Networking with other women and finding mentors and like-minded people in music can be a life-changing experience. MEOW provides networking and career-enhancing opportunities to meet other artists and learn from their experiences.

COACHING — Through our coaching program we work one-on-one with female artists to strategize and implement an individualized success plan.

EDUCATION – MEOW works in the schools – from middle school to college – to promote gender equality in music, media literacy and intelligent consumer choices. We want to ensure that women’s past contributions to music are not forgotten and the future is bright for the female musicians of tomorrow.

MEOWgazine – Every weekday our web site is updated with interviews, features and news that impact and inspire female musicians.

CONSULTING – MEOW provides gender-smart consulting to companies that want to reach the growing demographic of female musicians.

ADVOCACY — We speak out for women’s interests on legislative issues that affect musicians’ rights.