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Few realize that the price differences within the same in-network provider panel can often vary by more than 250%.
Our MyHealthSavingsUSA™ program allows plan members direct access to a personal Care Navigator™ and specially trained registered nurse case managers that guide callers to lower prices for healthcare services. Self-funded employers, unions, PEOs, and insurers of any size benefit from solutions that immediately lower healthcare spend for routine health services representing 30% of employers' total claims spend.
The integrated Nurse Advice line confidentially helps plan members identify local lower cost network providers for diagnostic and surgical procedures, and prescription medications. If the plan member elects to use 100% voluntary program, and schedules their test or procedure with the lower cost provider, they receive an incentive check in the mail for $10, $25, $50, $75, or more. The check is mailed by MHI Benefits Group who manages the program for employers, end-to-end.
The MyHealthSavingsUSA™ benefits employers through:
- Ease of use for higher plan member engagement
- Plan member incentives to use lower cost provider selection for highly utilized services
- A program designed to work with existing PPO & insurance network(s)
- Nationwide coverage plus expat services in 95 countries
- Toll free-USA & local phone access abroad to serve all plan members
- Average monthly savings that generally exceed all costs of the program
- Combined high-value services into one integrated solution:
- Nurse Advice Line
- Nurse Concierge Services
- Prudent Buyer Reward Program
- Complimentary Rx Savings Program
- Health Travel Management
- Cost Avoidance
- Case Management
- Disease Management
--TPA Services for Rewards Payment