
MicroGiving is a crowd funding website that lets you raise money online to fund a project, cause or entrepreneurial idea and give a percent of what you raise directly to a charity, cause, individual or family in need. We make it possible for people to channel their passions, projects, talents, ideas or dreams into something that helps others.

How It Works

Anyone can create a request for funding. If you have a personal project, idea or cause-- raise money through us and give a slice of the pie to your favorite charity or directly to people struggling through a hardship. If you’re struggling through a hardship-- receive help from people who are passionate about their project, idea or cause and passionate about helping people in need.
Why We Do It

You don't have to come up with a project, idea or cause that solves world hunger. You can use you’re your talents, skills and passions to inspire others and collaboratively raise money to benefit yourself, and others in a positive and meaningful way.

A Little Background

Established in 2007, MicroGiving is the self-funded product of entrepreneur and philanthropist John Ferber who envisioned a  way of using the internet to help people in need by connecting people-to-people, or Donors-to-Recipients.

MicroGiving realizes that behind the veil of major charitable organizations are real people with real needs, real lives and real stories. MicroGiving unmasks the impersonal veil that isolates Donors from the Recipient and thus cultivates organic, life changing relationships.