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electronic catalogs 

Your product catalog is critical to your business.  an electronic 

version has many extra benefits. 

They help you achieve “on time” and “complete” 



 - electronic catalogs automatically enforce complex pricing rules and product usage. 

- they are easier and faster to update than paper catalogs. 

- electronic formats open the way to electronic orders and integration to ERP and production systems, with faster processing in your order fulfillment department.  electronic catalogs make it easier to expand your information systems to your showrooms and branches. 



 You could get your electronic catalog for 20-20 in only a few weeks  

 We only need an existing paper catalog, 20-20 catalog or a simple excel list.  


 sample levels

20-20 catalogs and simulation levels 


Bring your renderings from Level 1 (left picture) to Level 3 (on the right). 

We can show you how or we can do it for you. We offer both training and outsourcing services


Our catalog services are organized in 3 tiers, from Level 1 to Level 3. 

Level 1 is a basic and accurate 20-20 advanced catalog supporting pricing and Level 1 3D. 

Level 2 is a very advanced system with accurate finish, up-charges and intelligent attachments. 

Level 3, our most advanced level provides real life texture and color matching, even smarter 

filtering for attachments, global options and pricing. At level 3+, we extend the electronic catalog 

to support error free order transfer to suppliers (with ERP-ready integration services).