
Icecat NV, listed at Dutch NPEX, is a global publisher and syndicator of product information for the e-commerce market. Icecat NV, founded in 2009, works with  some 68,000 webshops and hundreds of brands such as Philips, Sony, Samsung, HP, P&G, Lego, and L’Oréal.

Icecat includes the subsidiaries Icecat LLC (Icecat Ukraine) and Icecat Content Sourcing OÜ (Icecat Estonia), Iceshop BV, and participation Hatch B.V. The cost centers Icecat Ukraine and Icecat Estonia are responsible for hiring editor and software developer capacity. Hatch BV delivers smart "Buy Now" buttons that help manufacturers to turn their websites into measurable lead generators for their online retailers. Iceshop is specialist in e-commerce-integrations and Product Information Management (PIM) solutions.