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Momondo, meaning "My World" in old Spanish, was launched in 2006 and is now one of Denmark’s top websites. The small Danish flight aggregator launched in 2006, now searches more than: 800 airfare websites, 4,000 European train lines, Amtrak and many low cost airline carriers not available on other travel search engines. Momondo has been recommended by The New York Times, CNN, CBS News, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Daily Telegraph, and the London Sunday Times. Legendary U.S. travel authority, Arthur Frommer and some of the world's leading
travel media, Sherman's Travel, Travel and Leisure, and SmarterTravel.com have recommended Momondo.com as THE site in which to find airfare / hotel / car, when you want to travel. Momondo has received the 2010 year’s Danish e-commerce price within the travel and tourism category and Norway's largest newspaper, World Gang (VG), the Norwegian Consumer Council, and most recently, the London Sunday Times independently elected Momondo as the best player in the electronic travel reservation marketplace. In addition, as of April 6, 2010, Momondo established a partnership with
Swedish TV4 and Expressen, Sweden’s second largest newspaper. Momondo also provides user-generated city guide content and is the largest publisher of print guidebooks in Denmark. Momondo offers true price transparency before transportation is actually purchased, helping travelers be smart buyers.