About |
Mon.je is an NYC-based startup focused on the restaurant and tech space.
Our website helps foodies in NYC easily keep track of and share their list of restaurants they want to eat at in NYC. Our focus is to have high-quality high-res images of all the restaurants on your list so you can get a clear picture of what the restaurant interior, food, and ambiance feels like before you go to the restaurant. Once you have your list, you can easily sort and filter the list by common categories like cuisine, neighborhood, and even friend that wants to go. By integrating with Facebook, you can see what restaurants you have in common with your friends.
Through an integration with Foursquare, yon can also see what your friends are doing on Foursquare in the Activity feed of our website. See only the restaurants your friends are checking into instead of seeing everything they are checking into.
Monje is also the first startup to develop a browser app that lets you see what your friends are saying about a restaurant on other restaurant websites such as Yelp, Seamless, and NYMag. By integrating this app with these other websites, you can see what your friends have to say about a place right on the website itself. If you friends have any Foursquare check-ins, Foursquare tips, Monje comments, etc., this will all be available to you once you click on the small icon at the bottom right of the page of these other websites.
Our team consists of ex-Googlers, Microsoft, and ad agency professionals. The team is dedicated to changing the way people discover and share restaurants using technology.