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Finally, odorless mothproofing is here! If you have ever lost an expensive wool garment, cherished hand knitted heirloom or fine Persian carpet to moth damage, you need our safe and pleasant moth control. Be proactive and eliminate moths forever without offensive chemicals, smelly herbs or dangerous mothballs. Moth Guard is totally odorless so now you can dress for that big occasion or leave for church without having to worry about smelling like a Christmas tree or foul chemicals. 888-4DE-MOTH
In the past, moths were repelled by powerful odors that are offensive to people too! We found a way to repel moths more effectively and with no bad smell. Simply put, Moth Guard works by creating a flavor barrier that repels moths by taste. No one had ever been able to do this before, which is why Moth Guard is so pleasant to use.
The idea behind Moth Guard has been around for over 35 years in the oriental carpet cleaning industry. Now you can have the same protection at home for all your woolen clothes and to protect your collection of oriental carpets. We have improved the formula for Moth Guard over the last 35 years, crafting the perfect product for use in the home on Persian rugs and even clothing!
Moth Guard IS the perfect solution to the problem of ridding wool of moths without offensive odors or dangerous chemicals. If you knit precious heirlooms, own expensive wool clothes, or have valuable oriental carpets, you need this economical and proven moth protector.
If you value your wool creations, here are the advantages of protecting them from moths with Moth Guard!
• Peace of mind from moth infestations in valuable wool garments.
• Cheap insurance against moths.
• Wear and enjoy your clothes year-round without offensive chemical odors.
• End the hassle of spring storing and protecting your wool clothes from moths.
• Will not cause skin irritation beyond the feel of normal wool.
• Causes adult moths to search elsewhere for food.
Moth Guard is a water-based formula that is safe to human skin once applied to a garment. Moth Guard is the first completely odorless remedy for clothes moths. Moth Guard is colorless and is hypoallergenic. Moth Guard will work on all wool garments, oriental carpets, drapery and any other woolen item. And since moths like bird feathers even more than they like to eat wool, Moth Guard can be sprayed on any feathered art object or wild bird mounts for protection.
What Moth Guard is Not
Moth Guard is not a dangerous pesticide. Moth Guard does not contain any petroleum products. Moth Guard is not perfumed. Moth Guard is not bug spray.
Let Me Teach You How…
Get your free copy of our special 9-page report titled “Eliminate Moths Forever.” This informative report contains tips and little known facts on how to get rid of any moth problem. It is absolutely free and is included with your order.