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Surfing the MOVIENR.com;
You can the read the FEEDs; the wall where you can find posts from all over the world about movies and the people you follow.
You can DISCOVER; the movies that you will actually like. You can search by genre, theme, period or origin. We are improving our database everyday. Soon you will be able to suggest and add to those search options.
You get RECOMMENDATIONS; about not only new movies, but also the films you haven’t watched yet. The powerful algorithm we created will find the best shots for you. You can see the recommended movies on your profile. Favorite your most liked directors, actors & actresses and what you have missed about their career filmography in your profile page under the favorites tab.
You INTERACT; with the members by following them and getting followed, and expressing your knowledge and comments either on our feeds or on walls of the movies, directors, actors or actresses.
You get INFOGRAPHICS; about your lifelong movie experience.