
The Myles & Ruth Munroe Foundation is the Munroe Brand’s philanthropic and humanitarian vehicle to empower and assist our local community and communities around the world. We use four objectives to implement our program: Leadership Adoption, Community Partnerships, Leadership Guidance, and Educational Initiatives. The goal of the Foundation is to encompass all four values that the Munroe brand possesses. We will focus on creating avenues to empower and deploy leaders; work towards ensuring success through involvement; provide direct involvement; deal with community and sustainable personal core issues. We want to continue to have a heart for people.

It is a non-profit organization whose primary goal is to transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change through mentorship and personal developmental programs. The ultimate mission is to inspire and encourage current and future generations to discover their true God-given potential and leadership ability.

For 2016, the Foundation will focus its fundraising efforts on two initiatives:
1. The Munroe Institute
2. The Myles and Ruth Munroe Foundation Projects and Programs