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MT2 is committed, as the leading provider of firing range and site specific environmental services, to being excellent stewards of God’s creation and desires to assist property owners and managers, range owners, range operators, and range managers in taking care of their facilities and assets.
Our expressed purpose is that we will deliver the best technology and field services combined with environmental regulatory expertise, to support and protect your firing range operations and firing range maintenance today and for years to come.
We stand behind the fact that we will save you substantial dollars whether through lead (Pb) reclamation and recovery or firing range clean up.
What can ECOCOND® LBP do for you? As a contractor, WIN MORE BIDS! As a property owner or property manager, SPEND LESS MONEY on LBP abatement! ECOCOND® LBP:
• Typically provides cost savings of 50% - $0.50 per square foot (on average) to apply
• Easy application with conventional equipment including commercial grade sprayers.
• Pb in LBP can be treated to non-hazardous levels for safe disposal
• Protects lead abatement workers and minimizes any lead (Pb) dust from lead based paint - all by minimizing the ways for lead (Pb) to get into air, soil, groundwater, surface water, and to lead abatement workers.