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Future Cigs offers a newly developed smoking alternative in the form of a battery operated electronic cigarette. This smoking devices contains a nicotine cartridge with a vapor mist that looks, feels and replicates real cigarette smoke.
Future Cigs electronic cigarettes produce no first or second hand smoke, and has no offensive smell. The person using the Future Cig gets the same sensation as smoking a regular cigarette. They do recieve nicotine and feel like they are inhaling and exhaling regular cigarette smoke. The "smoke" is a simple vapor mist that is harmless to the environment and others. Additionally there are no chemicals, additives or tar.
The Future Cig electronic cigarette uses a lithium battery and is rechargable. It also comes with a home and car charger. The nicotine cartridges are sized for different models and one cartridge last between 10 and 30 regular cigarettes, depending on the model a person chooses. The cartridges are cost efficient and about half of the cost of traditional cigarettes. Cartridges are sold in different strenghts and flavors.
For more detailed information go to www.futurecigs.com or call 1-877-463-6361