
My App Center is at the forefront of its success storytelling, and the same extends to our mobile app development as well. Hooking walk-in clients who require a mobile app, but for many users app was challenging, we sighted this gap early and created unique strategies which many may have not even imagined.

The mobile app was in line with the way customers preferred purchases along with providing them much needed convenience. My App Center has close to 1 lakh mobile app users and caters to over 1000 mobile transactions every week.

This early adoption also helped the brand build a reputation of innovation, but it didn’t come easily. It’s a different story today, where My App Center has successfully rolled out mobile app service that lets it users pay, chat, notify messages, management of data, galleries etc.

In a nutshell, My app center mobile app keeps the offline experience alive for its users without compromising on their daily routine!