
myBIGearth is a Global Philanthropic Social News Community focused on social evolution, sustainable, green, holistic and alternative energy solutions.  The cornerstone of what we do is our 'Compassion in Action' program.  Through this we actively donate 20% to homeless children in the US & orphans worldwide AND AN ADDITIONAL 20% to support innovation and job creation.  

The “Compassion in Action” program has resulted in myBIGearth working with over 700 homeless shelters nationwide, as well as villages in the remote regions around the world by providing food,  shelter and even toys to children in need.  In supporting job creation, myBIGearth provides financial assistance as well as advisement to those innovators whose products and services promote positive change and growth.  In short, myBIGearth’s mission is to continue to expand their partnerships and alliances to help more children in need and to get Americans back to work.

If you are interested in being a part of helping others, outside of purchasing products or services, you can also donate to their ‘Compassion in Action’ program by becoming a myBIGearth member, sponsor or by giving a general donation.

Join the myBIGearth conversation on Facebook  @  https://www.facebook.com/mybigearth  |  Twitter  @  https://twitter.com/mybigearth  |  Google+   @   https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/101755368116483373709/101755368116483373709/posts  |  Pinterest   @   http://pinterest.com/mybigearth/  and YouTube  @   http://www.youtube.com/mybigearthtv