
MyMedicalShopper enables true comparison shopping for medical procedures by shining a light on the secretive world of healthcare pricing. We can save small and midsize employers more than 33% on health insurance premiums while improving employee health benefits. Become an empowered consumer and never overpay for healthcare again.

Our website and mobile apps make it possible for medical consumers to choose their care based on price, quality, and convenience. MyMedicalShopper is addressing a huge need in the market by integrating actual medical procedure cost data with real-time consumer insurance information in order to create an unparalleled, personalized tool. The driving vision is to reverse the trend of rising healthcare costs and to develop technology to interpret, create, and display the symmetric data needed to transform the healthcare industry into a fair market for consumers.

Our end users are leveraging the MyMedicalShopper platform to access extensive information on price and quality of more than 7,500 medical tests and procedures across virtually every medical care provider, and reduce their out-of-pocket healthcare spending by over 32% on average. In fact, as we educate a new generation of empowered healthcare consumers, we expect even greater savings, as our analyses show the potential for saving more than 60% on total healthcare spending in NH.