
MyTennisLessons.com offers an online scheduling, billing, and marketing solution for tennis clubs, tennis instructors, and customers. We hire tennis instructors around the country as independent contractors and increase their clients through online and traditional marketing campaigns. Customers can visit our website, enter their zip code, select a desired local instructor, tennis court, date, time, and easily schedule and pay online. We provide an affordable and convenient option for efficiently scheduling tennis lessons and classes in your area. We typically take anywhere from 30%-50% of the transaction depending on the instructors’ contracted rate and the market they are teaching in.  People use our service for a number of reasons including: affordability, convenience, customer service, organization, and our wide selection of qualified instructors.  Many of these customers are either older individuals looking to become reinitiated into the game of tennis or parents looking for tennis lessons, clinics, and camps for their children, but need a more affordable option to traditional outlets. Our focus is on providing a superior customer experience, making the process of locating and scheduling lessons with local instructors a simple process. Our instructors can focus on what they do best, which is providing a well-rounded learning experience for customers.