
We all want to drink good wine. But we are all not wine experts. Within this website you will find free information to help you purchase wines from around the world with confidence.  We specialize in British Columbia, Western USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile, and Argentina.  We are expanding our wine knowledge of France, Italy and Spain for your pleasure.

If you are interested in wine tours from around the world, we have put together a list of tours offered by wine tour professionals who will bring you to wonderful wineries.

We will also soon have a selection of wines from US wineries which we feel are worthy for your enjoyment.

MyWinePal was started by Karl Kliparchuk. He has been the president of the South World Wine Society in Vancouver, BC since 2003 and an executive member since 2002. Vancouver's South World Wine Society (SWWS) www.southworldwine.com emerged out of the Cape Wine Society (CWS) in 2000. The inaugural SWWS tasting was held on February 17, 2000. Ever since, the SWWS has showcased the wines of Argentina, Australia, Chile, New Zealand and South Africa. By being part of this Society, Karl attends many Trade events, trying wines that are not yet available to the general public, as well as wines just coming to market. He also has made wonderful relationships with agents and consulates in Vancouver. He brings in guest speakers from the wine Trade, host our events, write reviews and manage the SWWS website, and lead some tastings.