
About Name.Space
Founded in 1996, Name.Space was created by Paul Garrin to address the growing demand for Internet Domain Names by creating Top Level Domains to supplement impending shortages under the limited set of .COM, .NET and .ORG. During this time in Internet history, many were spreading misinformation that large numbers of top-level domain names were either unfeasible or could cause harm and "break" the Internet, in order to maintain their market dominance and thwart competition from potential newcomers.

As an early proponent of a shared TLD registry system, Name.Space helped shape the adaptation of a wholesale-retail domain registration market. Name.Space was the first instance of a fully-automated self-service domain name registry. Before Name.Space, domain name registrations were sent to the monopoly registry via email for manual processing, which sometimes took weeks to issue and activate a domain name. Name.Space domains were registered and completely available within 2 minutes (November 1996).