
Narconon East US is a group of Narconon Centers in the East US that offer the Narconon non-profit drug rehabilitation program dedicated to eliminating drug abuse and drug addiction through drug prevention, education and rehabilitation.

Narconon staff also work hard to eliminate drug abuse before it starts. Narconon drug prevention and education centers educate hundreds of thousands of people each year with live presentations and bring the truth to millions more through video presentations and written materials, thus reducing and eliminating drug addiction and abuse.

The program steps are entirely drug-free; that is, the Narconon drug rehabilitation program does not use drugs or a medication to solve the problems caused by drugs, but does use nutrition and nutritional supplements as an important component of its delivery. Thus the program is neither a psychiatric nor medical, but a social education model of rehabilitation.

Through successful drug rehab, the Narconon program has stably achieved a more than 70% success rate for permanent sobriety since 1966 when it was founded.