
The National Domestic Violence Registry (NDVR) (formerly known as The Weaker Vessel) was founded in 2007. NDVR has now grown into NDVR Coalition Tasks Forces and working groups in the United States. NDVR is the first national database model for domestic violence convictions available to the public.

Modeled after The National Sex Offender Registry program, NDVR provides the conviction records of offenders, both men and women, who have been found guilty of domestic violence and domestic violence related offenses such as physical battering, stalking, criminal confinement, intimidation, and strangulation, etc. We provide this data free of charge and to the general public with records continuously being added daily.

Social networking has exploded and now more than ever before, individuals are using the internet as a social meeting place. Facebook alone has over 500 million users and NDVR realizes that the use of the internet, social media and internet search tools are not going away.  Thus the increase of social networking has also allowed predators who may normally be socially inept to hide behind the internet veil of secrecy, creating a predatory environment and increasing the incidences of teen dating violence, domestic and family violence. Thus NDVR and its developing programs will become a needed and trusted resource. NDVR will continue to include domestic violence related convictions from across the country as well as long term orders of protection in an effort to provide additional awareness to the general public of offenders with a history of abuse.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be an on-line, national resource that will aid in the awareness and prevention of domestic and family violence by posting the convictions of domestic abuse perpetrators and those offenders who have long term criminal orders of protections placed against them, and to provide comprehensive education about technology based programs, prevention, safety, and intervention models relating to domestic violence.  To learn more about NDVR, please visit their website which is
