About |
NewHomesAmerica.com is a new kind of “Real Estate” website. We are not a real estate broker! We don’t sell homes! We don’t pitch mortgages or moving services. We don’t sell advertising space on our site to builders or home owners.
So how do we help in your search for a new home? We allow builders to promote their new home communities here for free and make it easy for you to peruse those offerings and make appointments to visit their communities.
If you choose to deal direct with one of our builders you become a very valuable customer. When you register as a member, follow our simple guidelines for dealing directly with the builder, you will earn a substantial “REBATE” in the form of a VISA pre-paid gift card worth 1.25% of the sales price of the home you purchase. That can come in handy when moving into a new home… anything from window treatments, to furniture or even a surround sound home theater system!