
Truth is the prime value an individual can acquire, but when one believes a lie for too long, the truth doesn’t set him free, but tears him apart.


News Portal NP is the world’s No.1 news discovery platform for uncensored news stories from sources around the world, free from bias, regardless of what political ideology they support, where they’re from, or who operates them.

The site visitors get a quick and easy access to breaking news and latest stories making headlines in real-time while linking back to the original sources.

With a main focus on world politics and current events, all stories are delivered raw without any alterations.


News Portal NP‘s mission is to be a fair gateway to information and diverse viewpoints from every part of the world and give back to humanity freedom to choose what they want to believe as truth, rather than the age-old manipulated, nationalistic, and geopolitical impositions by a few through their selfish desires to mislead and manipulate mankind.

The site is global in its approach, and not relying on a single-sided point of view.


News Portal NP doesn’t make news (for now) and so copyright to the contents on the site is wholly owned by its original publishers/authors.

The site shares news from a diversity of sources from all over the world, giving all the credit to the original publishers, while maintaining no affiliation to any.


In a world full of competition for power and influence, humanity have been fed with a lot of propaganda engineered to manipulate and shape public opinion based on what those who control information through media (in its diversity of forms) want the masses to believe, delivering half-truths, keeping the masses in the dark on important matters that directly affect them (masses), and sharing lots of lies which have in turn led to current human division and global instability.

Truth is being censored and distorted so that lies and propaganda can be the only existent information available to the masses.

Unlike others, News Portal NP doesn’t dictate what its audiences should believe, thereby aggregating a diversity of views, much of which is currently censored online and distorted by major news sources from specific regions to preserve their nationalistic and geographical ideologies through propaganda and lies, therefore giving News Portal NP’s audiences freedom to make own choices on what to believe.


News Portal NP is founded on the belief that individuals should make own choices on what to believe, defining their own truths as they see fit based on own discernment.

In the present world of overcrowded information, a lot of propaganda is being pushed and subjected to the masses to shape the public opinion as deemed fit by those behind this global scheme of mass conditioning, censoring truths and facts, and anything that is challenging the "status quo" or intended narrative getting suppressed.

News Portal NP therefore comes in to balance the "playing field" by providing access to all points of view, and giving audiences the power to compare how same stories are delivered differently based on what each media, either by its political leanings or region of operation delivers the same news.

Choose your own truth because what you’re being fed as truth will cost you dearly in coming year(s) since it’s poison and detrimental to your own existence.