
Newstica is a product of Jesu Consulting Inc. The Newstica team is committed to bringing users unique news stories, without needing to wade through the mass of content available on the web. Expert news curators scour the Internet, searching hundreds of new sources, to create a selection of stories to captivate and amaze everyone from avid to casual readers.

The mission of Newstica is to increase news readership, especially among the younger crowd. The developers hope to achieve this through disruptive but appealing design—instead of walls of text, the site presents picture panels with headlines. It’s Web 2.0 for news content and light years ahead of the media behemoths.

Newstica’s tagline is “Different News Every Time.” More than a marketing slogan, the tagline embodies the site’s philosophy. Users will never see the same story twice. The emphasis on discovery and surprise is just one way in which the site resonates strongly with Millennials.

Organizations can license custom versions of the news recommendation application, enabling the provision of custom, targeted content feeds to any audience.