
Patients undergoing major surgeries and many ICU patients are frequently hemodynamically unstable. Currently in vast majority of cases patient's fluid status is being continuously assessed by blood pressure monitoring.  Human body is very efficient in control and maintenance of desired blood pressure level. This is the reason why pressure often remains normal even after substantial blood volume loss. Our arteries are capable of constriction changing its diameter in order to preserve vital  levels of perfusion pressure. Even loss of 600-800cc of blood can be very well compensated by this mechanism and often as a result it happens to remain unnoticed. Later after reaching certain threshold the ability of human body to compensate blood loss suddenly declines, pressure drops and shock condition starts to develop. This is the moment when clinicians start to resuscitate the patient with fluids, sometimes with the aid of cardiovascular drugs.  This might happen multiple times during individual surgery or patient stay at the ICU. As a result patients typically require longer vital support and stay longer in critical care condition.

Nilus ultrasound doppler flow monitor can detect even subtle early changes in blood volume. Clinicians can correct the loss faster and prevent development of deeper adverse condition.

Right Heart performance is also frequently compromised at high risk patient population.  Currently there is no easy or safe way to continuously monitor its condition.  Nilus novel algorithmic analysis provides the missing needed tool. Right Heart failure can be detected early on and continuously monitored.