About |
NonProfitPlus, powered by Acumatica, is pleased to announce our new nonprofit accounting software.
NonProfitPlus is an accounting solution which recognizes that 501(c) (3) organizations are unique in the way they record and report activity. For example, rather than tracking grants in a project accounting module, this product allows them to use a native grant management module.
This specifically designed software will streamline the way companies track fund accounting, grant management, and manage restricted accounts without using “work-around” solutions and additional data manipulation in Excel.
By using cloud technology that requires no on-site maintenance, our functionality mirrors the natural business processes of a nonprofit organization.
The unlimited user model allows everyone to access their accounting software, not just financial users/administrators.
In the final analysis, this cloud based system allows organizations to process work efficiently as well as effectively without adding burdens that cripple the workforce.
“NonProfitPlus powered by Acumatica is a commanding addition to the award winning financial suite of Acumatica.”
Providing functionality specific to not for profits and non government organizations including fund accounting, encumbrance processing, grant management . This enables NonProfitPlus to be the choice of executive directors and chief financial officers when selecting to carry their organization into the future.
140 Washington Avenue
North Haven, CT 06473
Website: http://www.nonprofitplus.net
eMail: info@nonprofitplus.net
Phone: 203-239-7740