About |
National Pilot Car Safety Institute is being developed on the premise that Education and Awareness can benefit the Pilot Car and Heavy Haul industries and enhance driving safety for motorists where OVERSIZE LOADS are encountered.
NPCSI is a nonprofit Institute for educational purposes. We are not a membership-based association. Our mission is to develop and promote advanced training and certification programs to help Pilot Car operators better serve the demands of the heavy haul industry and to enhance public safety.
A small percentage of States have in place requirements for basic level training to teach and measure some level of skill and competence among those escorting these high-value and challenging loads.
We are presenting the Washington Pilot Escort Vehicle Operator (P/EVO) class as a first step towards a more comprehensive and broad multi-state certification program.
This course is based on the “Best Practices Guide” produced in 2004 by the Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association with guidance by many industry representatives known as the Pilot Car Task Force.
Our goal is to create more State to State uniformity in both certification and equipment requirements, and a more challenging and comprehensive certification program by full use of the Best Practices Guide as well as other safety enhancement and skill building materials and processes.
Utilizing experienced and well respected Pilot Car Operators in key locations around the country to present these classes, we are working to create a network of training sites that are both accessible and affordable to the Pilot Car industry.
A portion of class fees go to the development of the advanced Pilot Car training programs and a broad Public Safety/Awareness campaign to help motorists respect and appreciate the important job done by Pilot Cars and the Heavy Haul industry.