
Nurture Egg Donor program is the creation of Melany and Tertia, two fabulous South Africans who have experienced the heartbreak of infertility first hand.  We pride ourselves on providing the best care and support, facilitating the process from application through to donation and beyond. In a nutshell, we care. We call. We write. We rock.

Becoming an egg donor is an absolutely MAGNIFICENT thing to do, and we hope that after reading the information below, you will be inspired and motivated enough to fill in our initial application form immediately!  Please go online to our winna website and read up exactly what is involved in becoming an egg donor by checking out the donor FAQ section. (http://www.nurture.co.za/?page_id=7)  Just in case your clicking arm is broken, here are the main points:

What is an egg donor?
An egg donor is a healthy young woman who is between the ages of twenty one and thirty four. This special woman donates a few of her eggs to a recipient who strongly desires to have a child but who is unable to produce eggs from her own ovaries. A donor gives one of the most beautiful gifts possible—the gift of potentially growing a family.

What is the first step of being an egg donor?
Fill in the online initial application form at http://www.nurture.co.za/?page_id=4

What if I am on birth control?
You can continue to use birth control pill while you are waiting to be matched with a recipient.

Will donating eggs now affect my chances of getting pregnant in the future?
You are born with approximately two million eggs. Each month a group of eggs enter a growth phase that will ultimately result in ovulation. Normally, your body selects only one egg each cycle to ovulate and the remaining eggs from this group do not develop fully and are flushed down the loo. Fertility medications allow your body to rescue many of those eggs that would have been lost (those rescued ones are the ones you donate!) and do not affect any eggs destined to enter growth phase in future cycles. The fertility medication has no proven long term effects.

What will it be like having my children running around out there?
Think of it this way: Point A: Those eggs you donated? They would have been flushed away with your normal cycle if you hadn’t donated them. Point B: Eggs alone do not a child make! Without the partner’s sperm, and without the future mother’s womb, there aint gonna be no child. So fear not, there aren’t going to be any of ‘your’ children running around any where!

Who pays my medical bills?
Not you! All medical costs are funded by the recipients.

What about compensation?
Compensation is guided by the South African Medical Ethics committee and is currently set at R5000. This compensation paid is not intended to pay for the eggs donated (as donors donate their eggs as a gift of hope), nor for monetary reward.

What are the possible side effects?
Side effects differ from donor to donor. Some women experience absolutely none. If you are prone to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) you may feel some of the side effects attributed to the injections. You shouldn’t become too much of a dragon, but if you do, blame it on the hormones!

What are the risks?
Egg donation is a medical procedure and all medical procedures carry some risk. The primary risk is a condition called Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS). This is relatively rare (1% of IVF cases). It is caused by the ovary producing too many eggs in response to the drug stimulation. Donors are monitored very closely in order to minimize the risk.

We hope this information was useful to you.  We strongly urge you to take a look at our website (www.nurture.co.za) which carefully explains exactly what is involved in the donation process.

If you would still like to go ahead with your application (yay!!) please head directly to the online application form and register your interest. http://www.nurture.co.za/?page_id=4

We look very forward to welcoming you into our program