
Nuvision Entertainment Media is a revolutionary PR firm that creates a world of opportunities for its clients to enhance their career.

Nuvision Entertainment Media  are on IMDB as well as Facebook. We have made GREAT industry contacts. We specialize in high profile events the in and now happenings such as key charities,movie premier's,red carpets,fashion shows,eco-friendly events and other key forums.

What differentiates Nuvision from other PR firms is how we select events that best meets our clients needs and furthers their career through appearances and networking. Our clients will be able to make key contacts in the industry with actors,directors,producers,casting directors,media,photographers and a host of others.
We believe in the Importance of getting our clients "out there" to be seen,while furthering their career. This is done economically,so you'll find our rates to be very attractive. Up until,now PR assistance was sometimes prohibitive due to cost. Now you have a great option!
To find out more, please contact us: Nuvision Entertainment Media PR at nuvisionmedia10@gmail.com OR at   818 857 9467   818 675 0147