About |
THE original basket boutique is steadily growing and has multiple franchises currently in operation across Canada, United States, Australia and the Middle East ensuring thorough coverage and a strong global presence for the company.
Whether for corporate gifts or designing a unique basket line with a special theme, we stock a variety of premium foods and products to satisfy the most varied discriminating tastes and preferences. The result is an innovative and personalized gift creation to meet each client's exclusive requirements.
As a company of individuals, we are creative, fun and caring. As an extended family of business owners, each of us is motivated to deliver consistently exceptional gift design and quality. Yes, we make baskets, but we’re a busy team of experienced entrepreneurs, corporate fugitives, artists, singers, and “mompreneuers,” even independent gift basket professionals who took it to the next level.
We proudly celebrate the successes of each local franchise, whether they are accepting nominations from their local civic organizations or championing a fund-raising cause. And, we’re a company that values realistic and balanced lifestyles, allowing our franchise owners to prioritize what’s important while still creating a profitable and fun business that serves your needs.
Entrepreneur Magazine has consistently improved the rank of THE original basket boutique in its Top 500 Franchise. There’s a reason for that, and we’re proud to be in such good company!