

Our high quality ingredients are sourced locally and the extraction process does not compromise the bio-matrix integrity of the fruit or plant, unlike the old methods of drawn out percolation or heat, where the raw material is often left stewing for days, fermenting & breaking down. Independent laboratory testing at Southern Cross University’s Plant Science Analytical Services validates the major peaks of bio-actives present in each organic extract. Our extraction method delivers larger peaks, & often identifies more active compounds than competitive extracts tested. Our extracts are pure, locally sourced, unadulterated, are highly “active” & ethical.


OBI Skincare is making Australian Made, Organic, Cruelty Free and Vegan Friendly skincare affordable for everyone. Because we believe that you’re skin deserves the best, and the environment and our furry little friends do too! So we’ve designed a range that’s a simple and affordable price. Just $35 for any item, every day.


Under no circumstances do we preform animal testing or even condone this kind of barbaric outdated practise. Private Label Skin Care is 100% Animal Cruelty Free.


Our products are 100% Vegan, with no animal bi-products being used in any of our formulations. Currently there is no “Vegan Certification” option available specifically for Australia, there is a UK based scheme run by The Vegan Society if you wish to become certified through them. Private Label Skin Care has created our own Vegan logo that you can use on your labels until there becomes an Australian option available to us.


With the growing concern of Orang-utan extinction, you may be aware of the issues with using palm oil and its derivatives, unfortunately most consumers think the word palm oil must be written on the ingredient list, however this is not the case, palm oil derivatives come under 200 different names making it very difficult, almost impossible to know what you are looking for if you are not an experienced chemist with extensive ingredient knowledge. We have a very passionate and dedicated team who are highly ethical and environmentally aware, therefore every ingredient we purchase must be sustainably sourced, we do pay extra for these ingredients however we feel that the future of our Orang-utans depend on businesses like ours making the conscious decision to avoid these unsustainable ingredients, unlike most big brands and manufacturers just looking for the cheapest option.


We use a small selection of ingredients which are natively grown in countries including Africa and South America. These include our Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Rosehip Oil and Organic Shea Butter, these are all regulated and certified fair trade ingredients.