
The Operations Excellence Group (OEG) incorporates high-end graphics and data driven analytics to deliver a new standard of modern training. Our passion is developing and delivering the most compelling and engaging learning resources available for technical industries such as Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Mining and Heavy Manufacturing.

OEG develops learning resources that are engaging, illustratively efficient and allow for greater breadth and depth of understanding to occur in less time. Content is intentionally designed to provide multiple options for delivery and use.  Individual modules with a defined learning objective are the foundation. The modules can be contextually linked to form micro-courses, which can be further linked to create an entire course. This gives the greatest relevance to the largest audience. Instructors or mentors may use the micro-lessons to establish a baseline of understanding prior to the students attending classroom, or as illustrative enhancements to classroom instruction.  

OEG is continually capturing data during the learning process. This data capture changes the learning paradigm by allowing the learning assets (e-learning or instructor-led) to meet the learner at their existing level of understanding. In addition, OEG’s analytics engine allows workforce competency to be benchmarked within various departments of the enterprise or against other industry peer groups, at any given time. Furthermore these analytics can be correlated overtime with relevant business Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to help define the Return-On-Learning (ROL).