
Offertwit.com is free service designed to connect business with consumers. It is a real-time information network that connects firms and consumers to their latest discounts, ideas, offer and Services.

How it works for Business

For business it's the fastest and simplest way to advertise their products and services to a large consumer base and for consumers it's a festival of discounts and offers all year round.

Simply sign up and register to post your offer. Once you register, an approval will be emailed to you, simply log in and post your offers.

At the heart of Offer twits is Small burst of offers each 240 characters long, but don't let the small size fool you—you can discover a lot in a little space.

As this concept is designed to help both business and consumers, we recommend businesses to be precise in their offer. The offer must be valid for a stated period and information provided should be correct and forthcoming. The twit must state their landline number for consumers to contact them for locations and services.

How it works for consumers

Simply log on to the website, and follow the offer twits that are of interest to you. Or check out the discounts on items you require. You don't have to place an offer to get value from offertwit.Just hang around on the website for a while, and it'sgoing to to an awesome experience.

Whether you post offer or not, you still have access to the discounts and information surrounding all the products that interests you. You can contribute, or just listen in and retrieve up-to-the-second information.

Just select the desired country, select the city and select the desired service and viola, all offers pertaining to your desired selection shall be displayed.