
Popular culture reinforces the idea that technology for children can be a poor influence or an insufficient use of time.
One of the prominent qualities of OnceAppon is its emphasis on providing educational content by underscoring certain values (such as friendship) and focusing on storylines that deal with difficulties and challenges that are familiar to the child (such as trouble going to sleep at bedtime).The children can create the hero of the story and choose their preferences of storyline, based on hundreds of pre-written scenarios containing educational content.
The founders, Sheri Kfir and Yael Eshet, says “We’re confident that these efforts will bring to parents something they didn’t even know was missing. It will seamlessly fit into children’s game time. This will guarantee that children can be more creative than they ever imagined and make "real books" cool again.”
The themes are mindfully selected and written in consultation with leading child development psychologist and behavior analyst.  
The project is now up on the crowdfunding website “Indiegogo” for everyone to see and be a part of. This campaign is showcasing the project in a unique way. The backers are able to get an inside look at how this idea came to realization and become part of the conversation on its future. Anyone who has an interest in building a child’s imagination will be interested to see how this works.
Our first product, "OnceAppon - A good night story maker for kids", is now available for free at the Appstore for iPad (age 2 and up).
We want to develop the app in more platforms, so –
We offer an early sale of our personalized products - printed books and dolls that the kids create by themselves, that links the children's virtual world to their real world.

About us: Yael Eshet, a creative director, and Sheri Kfir, a project manager, Mommies ourselves, and also owners and founders of a successful Israeli business for the past 6 years - “Korimli” – manufacturing personalized children's books and products. OnceAppon is our new startup. Feel free to contact us - info@onceappon.com  , 972-54-2549927

Website: http://www.onceappon.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/onceappon?fref=ts  
App review:  http://littleelit.com/2014/07/09/onceappon-a-good-night-story-maker-by-emily-lloyd/