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Today there are two things which people look to before buying a product or a service : Internet and others opinion. <Opinions.h> utilizes these two factors to influence the choices which people make. <Opinions.h> is a web based brand building and buzz creation organization. With a firm belief in inclusive marketing, <Opinions.h> taps the immense energy and ample free time of students across the nation to include them in marketing and hype generation activity on the internet. Working in the social media space it delivers ‘word-of-mouth’ or to be precise ‘word-of-mouse’ marketing campaigns for its clients with a very high ROI. Founded and run by graduates from BITS-Pilani and IIT kharagpur, it is fast gaining a lot of momentum. At present it has clients from various sectors including hospitality,politics,education etc. Recently, it got approved for funding from ministry of micro,small and medium enterprises, Govt of India. The team consists of people from fields as diverse as engineering to medical to management and the company works through a network of around 250 part timers who help it in having a tremendous reach.