
Would you rather fight a war with a sigle shot gun or a army with advanced artillery?  Well, most SEO programs use single-shot, or maybe six-shooter, weapons.  That isn't what we do.  The old way of SEO work required dozens of worker typing all day long to get your website listed on various sites.  This is an "Old School" approach, and cannot keep up to our cascading campaigns.

We have a lot off SEO tools ready to use for any website, and we schedule the work to happen in waves of normal activity.  Our proprietary software is organized by our SEO experts to create a flow of Internet interest in your website.  You see, the search engines are like a popularity contest.  The more popular your site is, the better you look to the search engines.  Of course, the actually search engine selection process is far more complicated than just popularity, but that is good place to start.

Social media and social bookmarking are a maze of interactions.  How one person can keep up to these many opportunities is a mystery.  So, we schedule social media and bookmarking at certain intervals.

Articles, press release, syndication, and RSS offer yet another channel to build your Internet value.  So, we can put that module in place as well.

There are pingers, indexes, forums, and profiles that need to be done if you want the world to know that you are open for business.  So, we schedule that segment to roll out at another interval.

Wave after wave of marketing events are involved in a good campaign.  This builds huge credibility on the Internet and starts moving your website up the ladder, page-by-page.  Each month as the campaign goes out, we alter the flow and the reach so that we deepen the Internet value of your site.  Eventually, you become the leader of the pack instead of a straggler.

But getting top ranking for the search engines is a fantastic accomplishment, but we have more to offer.  What if you could take your slowest day, and increase your traffic 35%?  Instead of waiting for people to find you, we can show you how to literally bring business in the door whenever you needed it?  New business means increase cash flow, and that is how you stay profitable.  Let Orange SEO help you build a marketing campaign that will crush the competition and boost your profits.