
OTL Productions is an independent production company based out of Newport Rhode Island. With a wealth of experience and success in the Film and TV industry, as well as in marketing and communication, OTL Productions is producing it's premier documentary-style series, OnTheLine: Extreme Sailing.

About the Show
OnTheLine: Extreme Sailing isn't your typical workplace drama/comedy. The story follows a TV production crew attempting to document the extreme sport of sailing while coping with the hardships of production work. Along with the OnTheLine cast, you can learn everything about sailing from basic knots (for newbies), to the strategies of offshore racing (for the seasoned yachtsman). Join the cast in sailing hot spots starting in Newport, Rhode Island, and see what it's like to go port to port with real-life sailors. Travel with the OTL crew to exciting and exotic race venues around the world and experience the many different lifestyles surrounding the sport.

Sailing is a sport that many have never seen, certainly not up close with much understanding. The athletes who participate are truly unsung. What has long been seen as a lofty gentlemen's sport does not do justice to the fearless dedication, teamwork and physical strength invested by these men and women. What happens on deck during a race is difficult to describe, let alone capture. We want to tell these stories in a way in which viewers can gain some understanding of the sport and hopefully inspire them to start sailing as well.