About |
Anderson, IN: Benefit from Chiropractor with 31 years experience serving all ages with acute and chronic symptoms that have not responded satisfactorily to medication, physical therapy, surgery or others. Many symptoms respond. Some you would expect only meds, PT and surgery to help.
Dr. Young is a Personal and Business Consultant, Lecturer, Trainer, Author, Workshop Leader, posture analysis, and offers Ergonomic Reviews in your facility.
He uses proven, safe, effective, lasting, procedures without drugs PT or surgery. He does not snap or pop your neck or low back or have staff work on you. If he feels you need a procedure, he administers it himself.
If you do not live hear Anderson, IN check out his Health Retreat where people stay in an Anderson hotel while receiving care.
Call for a free, no obligation consultation. Office: 765-642-7342, Cell: 765-610-0377, or 877-897-99658 Toll free.