
A showcase for my paintings, a selling point for my instruction course, and a resource for landscape painters.
Want to try your hand at landscape painting?
How about a lesson, available at the click of a mouse button?

No catch. A 12 page illustrated lesson in PDF format, crammed with examples, opinion and ideas to get you going on your own landscape painting. Just click on the image above.

Paintings and prints for sale
articles and videos
instruction course in .pdf format
amazon and useful websites

If that free taster whetted your appetite, the full text is available at the page reached through the ebook link above. You can own it today for £12.99.
You can also take a look at my work on the gallery page, where original oil paintings and watercolours can be bought, along with limited edition prints, postcards and greetings cards.

The articles page contains useful hints and tips, opinion and ideas relating to landscape painting. This changes on a regular basis, so there's always something new to read.

And lastly, the links page is crammed with recommended books you can buy on Amazon, plus art materials suppliers I've used and trust.

If you'd like to get occasional updates from the site, about new paintings and prints and articles, use the form below to send your email address. No spam, no selling on.
(I want happy customers, not an angry mob.)