
PBJ Learning is a leading provider of online human trafficking awareness and prevention education.

Their Human Trafficking Essentials online course is being used worldwide to educate professionals and individuals how to recognize human trafficking and how to respond to a potential victim. Their course is available for use on any web browser at any time. Digital marketing assets at pbjlearning.com/epk.

For more information, contact: Billy Joe Cain at billy@pbjlearning.com or at 512.521.8874.

Learn more about Human Trafficking Essentials at pbjlearning.com/hte120


Human trafficking is a very difficult topic to discuss and learn about, but you must understand it to recognize it and know what to do if someone is in danger, including yourself.

I'm Billy Joe Cain, one of the founders of PBJ Learning, and I'm very excited to tell you about our online certificate course, Human Trafficking Essentials.

David Deeds, our education director, and I have been teaching middle and high school students, medical university students, and law enforcement to recognize and respond to human trafficking for a combined 15 years.

Human Trafficking Essentials' learning objectives are aligned with authoritative sources and the most promising practices in the field.

Accuracy is vital, so the data and sources used in the course have been reviewed and approved by law enforcement, survivors, and advocates.

We understand people have different learning styles, so our self-paced online certificate course is designed to make difficult information accessible to everyone.

We guarantee our continuing education credits meet or exceed any requirements for human trafficking training.

The Project Management Institute, for example, recognizes them for PMP Project Management Professionals.

Our alumni improve their knowledge of human trafficking by an average of 38.3 percent, based upon improvement between pre- and post-course assessments.

Human Trafficking Essentials includes 30 minutes of original videos with direct teacher instruction and animated stories.

It provides 90 minutes of lessons with gamified activities, like quizzes, word drags, critical reasoning analysis, branching stories, and more.

It's organized into four chapters that cover definitions, prevalence, risks, vulnerabilities, red flags, and responses.

It's designed to let people learn through making mistakes and being directed to the correct information.

We understand sitting down in one place to take a course is a big commitment, so we designed the course so you can begin, continue, and finish your course on different devices, using any browser, anywhere you want, at any time.

We understand your time is valuable, so the course is designed so you can complete it in small bites.

We're excited to help you on your journey to learn more about human trafficking.

There's lots to learn, so let's get started.

Billy Joe Cain and David Deeds
Co-founders, PBJ Learning.