
The Center for Safe Schools and Communities is a non-profit organization that provides training, conferences and materials to at risk students and their families.  The Center has developed an evidence based social competence program called Peace 4 Kids.  The program trains students in the 4 components of empathy, anger management, social skills and character education/ethics.  The Center for Safe Schools and Communities is based in Broomfield Colorado.

Dr. Sara Salmon, Ph.D. is an International Social Competence Trainer, Board Member of the PREPSEC, which is the international Social Competence Organization, Super Nanny in Jefferson County, CO and Grant Writer.  Dr. Salmon has trained in Japan, Finland, Poland, Sweden, Norway, Canada and Denmark.

Dr. Salmon worked closely with Dr. Arnold Goldstein in enhancing the Aggression Replacement Training Model.  She has since authored the Peace Social Intelligence Curriculum, and written the Empathy chapter in the new Prepare Curriculum to be published by Research Press in the fall of 2013.