
On our website you will find a lot of advice on personal development and various types of life hacks. We write about motivation, self-confidence, self-discipline, as well as matters concerning housing, health or personal finances.

What is personal development? What is personal development for you is a more precise question, because for everyone it will be something different, different way, different need, different experience, different possibilities, different destiny.

For me, personal development is growth. It is the way to enlightenment. So what is enlightenment? It is a way of perfection. It is recognition, understanding of the world through one's own experience, one's own awareness. Understanding through oneself, through what is in you.

Personal development has many levels. It can be professional and personal. In the professional sphere it's about overcoming and climbing the next floors of your professional path. Acquiring, by testing what works, new skills, skills, competences, professional identity that help to achieve specific professional goals.

In the personal sphere it is more a way of personal perfection. Here, too, by exceeding successive levels of initiation, you increase. You grow as much as you are given. How much growth you need. I need to understand myself and the world. It's like answering difficult questions through yourself. Why am I? What is a person? Why is man? What is the world? What is the universe? How does it work? What is my personal mission in this life? What is the purpose of my life? It's about discovering the truths of successive levels.

Can coaching help in personal development? I think so. In the professional sphere it is connected with a career or your own business. Here, too, there are many variations and specializations, such as executive coaching, which deals with the management of companies.

The personal sphere is contained in the essence of life coaching, i.e. life coaching. These are the names and definitions of coaching, which do not necessarily define precisely what they contain, because coaching is directly related to the person of the coach and the client. In other words, coaching is a meeting of skills and experiences of the coach and who he is, with the skills and experiences of the client and who he is.

Whether it concerns business or life coaching, coaching allows you to grow. Triggering new results. Overcoming barriers and limitations.

During your personal development you experience coaching all the time. Next, you choose the coaches that are right for you at the moment. The first coaches in your life are your parents.

However, coaching has limits, which personal development does not have, because personal development is also your spiritual path, which you go only by yourself. On this path you also need a guide, a spiritual guardian, but only you and your commitment, determination, hardship and sacrifices determine how much you understand. These are higher levels of recognition. Knowledge gained through your own vision, which will be given to you.

Coaching can lead you to what is your goal, provided that your goal is good for you and the people around you.