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WeChat for the Western World! PicVidShare Camera APP has been used in 387 cities, 83 countries and 42,289 screen views putting text and links on Facebook pictures. Available on Google Play http://bit.ly/picvidshare
PicVidShare Camera APP Available on Google Play puts text & links on Facebook Pics
The Problem is when sharing a picture, there’s no quick & easy way to show who you are, where you are, who you’re with…and add links. We all need to communicate Who | What | When | Where and link to more information.
Using Templates PicVidShare fixes that by automatically adding links to your pictures on Facebook from your camera phone. It streamlines the sharing process unlike any other without any additional input: A three step shoot, crop and post is all it takes. You can edit previous templates or enter all new text or your own links. Sharing to Facebook is now so much quicker and easier and the user is in control.
With PicVidShare, you can enjoy the creativity of Snapchat, the permanence of Instagram, and an unmatched speed and ease of use. We’re changing the way people share and communicate!
It changes how you will use Facebook. PicVidShare Camera APP saves the picture with the text on it so you can use it on Google+, Pinterest, Instagram and many others. You can even text the pic with text on it to your friends.
This is an excellent influencer marketing tool for startups that want to enable their fans to share on their Facebook page.
One of PicVidShare’s greatest assets is its intellectually innovative, experienced management team led by Co-Founder Gerry Grant.
Gerry is a Social Media Marketing and SEO expert with twenty two years of Internet experience and twenty three years of venture capital and angel investor community involvement.