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About E*HealthLine
The E*HealthLine Enterprise web based solutions represents “state of the art” electronic clinical, financial and administrative information management tools, delivering “real-time” information, while optimizing workflow, accelerating decision-making during vital diagnosis and providing overall improvement for patient care. The company’s business model is comprised of ten (10) main HIPAA complaint Integrated Healthcare Information Management Systems to include: Integrated VITAL© (PHR), Eprescribe© Integrated Prescription Writer with Electronic Medical Records. Phoenix© Integrated Practice Management System with Electronic Medical Records, Eternity© Integrated Health Plan System, Hope© Disaster Information Management System, Enrollment System, Preventive© Preventive Care System, ISIS© Hospital Information System, EDIMS© Emergency Department Information Management System, Sphinx© Financial Management System, OTIMS© Operating Theatre System
The Company's business units provide unique solutions that inform, connect and transform E*HealthLine’s award-winning software applications.
To learn more, visit E*Healthline on the Web at
E*, Inc.:
Mary Johnson
VP Public Relations