
POcontrol.com is a web based Purchase Order Application that lets you control and report on all spending within your organisation. It’s used by multinationals and small business alike to give greater visibility on purchasing and costs. To date this year over 104 Million pounds worth of purchase orders have been managed by the system.

As POcontrol.com is web based it can be quickly set up for multiple sites and departments without additional money being spent on additional servers or upgrades to your computer network. It saves everyone involved with purchasing and accounting time, and quickly pays for its self.

As an optional extra you can connect POcontrol.com to your Sage Line 50 accounts package and import all of the reconciled invoices. You can also use the system to manage all documents relating to purchasing such as pro forma invoices, quotes and contracts.

POcontrol.com benefits to business

   * Excellent visibility on all purchasing leading to more accurate financial reporting
   * System aides compliance with many directives such as ISO 9002 / Sarbanes Oxley act ect
   * Money and time saved across the company
   * Users are empowered
   * Data generated can be used for data mining