
For all of you who lack experience with the job search process, it has been a growing passion of mine to help you, and job seekers like you, to improve your understanding of what to write, say, and do during your job hunt.

While a managing director at Goldman Sachs and a partner at Hull Trading, I was actively involved in the on-campus recruiting process. Throughout my career, I have reviewed thousands of resumes and cover letters and have performed over five hundred first- and second-round interviews.

I wrote Polished to help young job seekers understand what someone in my position is looking for in a job candidate and to teach them to effectively market and present their skill sets.

Join my group Facebook Group Polished, and check out my website PolishedU.com, if you have ever wondered why certain people consistently get hired and--as importantly--why many, many people do not. What you learn may surprise you.

I look forward to answering your questions and offering you my insider's experience in Polished. Let's start adding some shine to your resume, cover letter, and interviewing skills!


R. Scott Morris