
PortionMate is a family owned business located in Pepperell, Massachusetts. PortionMate began as an idea in 2007, which its inventor Susan Gougian developed into an accurate meal and snack measuring tool. The inventor thought of the idea while looking for a quicker and easier way to measure her own food portions.

         The inventor, Susan Gougian was encouraged by her family and friends to try to obtain a patent on her invention which she entitled “Measuring Cylinders”. Susan Gougian was issued a U.S. Patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in September 2011, and began marketing her invention under the trademark PortionMate.

         PortionMate is a color coded food measuring system that works with any diet plan. PortionMate makes the old method of comparing food portion sizes to a deck of cards, dice, or a softball obsolete.

         You should know that there is an epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes in the United States which is affecting both children and adults. Health care professionals attribute the rise in cases of this disease to be the result of individuals eating a high carbohydrate diet combined with a lack of exercise. The experts agree that eating the right foods in the right amounts along with regular exercise is the key to reaching a healthy weight, and may prevent the development of Type 2 Diabetes.

         PortionMate makes it fun and easy to measure exact portions of carbohydrates and proteins, as well as being a visual guide to portion control. The PortionMate cylinders nest for easy storage, and are portable, so you can use them at home, at work, and when eating out at restaurants. PortionMate does not recommend any particular diet plan and you should follow the advice of your personal physician or nutritionist when planning your meals and snacks. PortionMate is dedicated to making you a little healthier, one portion at a time.