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Positive Revolution, a full service marketing firm specializing in private and public companies looking to build their brand and shareholder bases knows that with more than 21,000 stocks in North America competing for investment dollars, it is critical for companies to get the attention and visibility needed to achieve the highest valuations in the marketplace. Positive Revolution is addressing that need for their clients by helping them accomplish that goal through the use of innovative and proven investor relations strategies combined with today’s internet marketing tools and tactics. Now they have added reputation management to help those same companies clean up their online negatives and replace them with positives.
Using techniques such as developing informative articles, white papers, videos, etc., and releasing the content to the masses via social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, RSS news feeds and the like, Positive Revolution succeeds in expanding a company’s exposure to potential investors thereby increasing the company’s shareholder value.
"We recognized the need in the industry for experienced investor relations professionals working with online marketing experts to 'put more eyeballs on a client’s market.' The industry is a very harsh environment and there is a huge opportunity for those that can perform. Positioning positive industry content that stays fixed in front of those that matter the most to our partners is the ultimate goal," states Aimee Lee, Marketing Manager with more than 15 years of shareholder development and internet marketing experience with a variety of companies.
The group was founded on the philosophy that “investor relations is a numbers game and an ongoing project”. The experts at Positive Stocks have combined their expertise to develop a successful set of marketing strategies to provide a unique program of IR services to boost their clients’ visibility and expand the client’s business and shareholder base. Positive Stocks’ strategies include a mix of conventional and non-traditional programs and tools designed to increase and maximize the ongoing investor relations efforts with campaigns targeted to micro and small-cap equity markets. Strategies include creating and executing investor awareness campaigns, and the use of advanced productivity tools and hard work.
Positive Revolution continues to apply their years of investor relations experience and online marketing expertise with the expansion of their team of experts, and the addition of a new outsourcing division and two internet marketers to assist with the marketing tasks. Positive Stocks is a syndicate of investor relations consultants representing 15+ years of experience as stock brokers, fund managers, working with a team of experts in internet marketing strategies and techniques to address the needs investor relations professionals and institutions that are actively seeking opportunities in the micro and small-cap equity markets.
Positive Revolution content is distributed to millions of individuals online and over 70,000 financial professionals, including U.S. and international buy-side analysts, investment research professionals and portfolio managers.
Positive Revolution Inc specializes in public relations, investor relations and brand building strategies. Positive Revolution Inc also seeks to partner with entrepreneurs, business owners and management teams and generally provides “one stop” financing alternatives within its lower middle market sector.