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About The Ride App and its developer - CellWand Communications
The Ride is the National Taxi and Transit App Sponsor of MADD Canada, and a portion of each convenience fee when booking a cab supports MADD Canada's mission throughout the year.
Download The Ride today and use it free for 30 days to easily plan ahead and get safe rides. After 30 days, all transit planning services remain free. When e-hailing a cab ($2) or connecting to dispatch ($1), the noted convenience fee will appear on your wireless bill. A portion of these fees goes directly to support MADD Canada.
The Ride is available for download on the App Store and Google Play store.
The Ride Links:
Twitter: @theridecanada
Instagram: @theridecanada
Facebook: facebook.com/TheRideCanada/
Online: www.gettherideapp.com
About The Ride
The Ride is Canada’s Get-Me-There App. Available for iOS and Android, the app helps users e-hail taxis and compare transit options. The Ride is the most comprehensive transportation app in Canada, with direct real-time connection to over 6,900 cars and 25,000 taxis through its fleet partnerships, serving over 700 Canadian cities and towns.
The Ride app is also The National Taxi and Transit Sponsor of MADD Canada, promoting safe rides home anywhere in Canada. The app was developed by CellWand Communications (www.cellwand.com), the company behind the popular #TAXI application (www.poundtaxi.com). For more information, visit The Ride’s website at www.GetTheRideApp.com.