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People Organizing for Women’s Rights (POWR), the first national political action committee (PAC) which leverages social media and other social action tools to combat gender discrimination and inequality at the state and federal level.
Team Uterati (“TeamU”) is a broad-based online community initiative which maintains a complete database of crowd-sourced legislative and other information regarding reproductive rights and women’s health issues nationwide.
The Team Uterati Wiki Project (“TeamU Wiki”) is a community-driven social action tool used by grassroots and netroots activists to combat the ongoing Republican infringement of women’s human rights, and it can also be used by the media to report upon such efforts. The website allows visitors to view legislation state-by-state, including the status of the legislation, its relevance, authors and sponsors, related activism and any organizations involved, giving unprecedented ease of access and transparency to empower ordinary citizens who are interested in this issue.
Together, TeamU and the TeamU Wiki comprise the first major undertaking of People Organizing for Women’s Rights (POWR), and can be found at http://www.teamuterati.com. You can download a PDF version of the TeamU Project Plan by clicking here. More information about POWR can be found at: http://www.powr-pac.org.