
Maternity Belts & Prenatal Health

About Prenatal Health & MaternityBelts (dot us)

Maternity Belts (dot-US) is an up-and-coming online consumer resource whose mission is provide consumers with objective, accurate, concise and useful information regarding the various maternity belts, belly bands, maternity supports and pregnancy cradles available on the market at any given time.

Maternity BeltsThe website was founded and is authored primarily by a married, stay-at-home mother of two named Elaine, or just "Laney". During her pregnancies, the author suffered from fairly intense pain as the dramatic changes to her body took a toll on her petite frame. She also suffered from vulvar varicosities (vulvar/vaginal varicose veins) during her second and more recent pregnancy. As a result, she's personally tried a number of various orthopedic maternity supports, belts, bands, braces and cradles and has some very good insights about each of those with which she has personal experience.

It has not yet been determined if MaternityBelts-dot-us will eventually adopt commercial capabilities or if it will remain in its present-day capacity as a purely informative site that neither sells directly from the site nor displays sponsored advertisements on the site's pages.

The Maternity Belts Blog will cover topics relating to maternity belts and other pregnancy-related news and topics including but in no way limited to product reviews and ratings of the top known orthopedic maternity support garments on the available for purchase on the open market.

Mini Cradle

       (Above: Mini Cradle Maternity Belt)